Mahican VTA Independent Indicative Local Forms


VTA You-Me and Me-You Forms, more properly called local forms, allow one to say things like “I love you” and “You love me.”
These local forms, unlike the direct and inverse modes which have one mandatory 3rd person participant, do not involve any third person participants. Obviative markings therefore are never present in local forms.

Overview of Local Forms

Me-You Forms You-Me Forms
1st sg Subject 1st pl Subject 2nd sg Subject 2nd pl Subject
I —- you We —- you You —- me You (pl) —- me
I —- you (pl) We —- you (pl) You —- us You (pl) —- us

These are formed using the general template :

(prefix)-(stem)-(theme sign)-(endings)  

The ‘you-me’ theme sign is (ii)
‘Me-you’ uses (un)
All local forms use the (ku) prefix except local conjunct forms because conjunct forms do not use prefixes. (to be described later)

You-Me Forms

You-me forms in the indicative mode add m endings to the (ii) direction marker. The (m) is omitted in Mahican so the final long vowel (ii) becomes (ih)

VTA Indicative You-Me Forms

Participants Paradigm
You —- me ku-(stem)-ih
You (pl) —- me ku-(stem)-íhmah
You —- us ku-(stem)-íhnah
You (pl) —- us ku-(stem)-íhnah
You see me.  

Kuyah kiisih-naawih?  
Are you able to see me?

You (pl) see me.  

You or you (pl) see us.  

You-me negatives

(ku)-(stem)-(ii)-(wii)-(m ending)

VTA Indicative You-Me Negative Forms

Participants Paradigm
You —- me not ustah ku-(stem)-iiw
You (pl) —- me not ustah ku-(stem)-iiwíhmah
You —- us not ustah ku-(stem)-iiwíhnah
You (pl) —- us not ustah ku-(stem)-iiwíhnah
Kuyah ustah kunaawíiw. 
You see me not.  

Ustah kunaawiiwíhmah. 
You (pl) see me not.  

You or you (pl) see us.  

Me-You Forms

Me-you forms in the indicative mode add m endings to the (un) theme sign.

VTA Indicative Me-You Forms

Participants Paradigm
Me, I —- you ku-(stem)-un
Me, I —- you (pl) ku-(stem)-unohmah
We —- you ku-(stem)-unhnah
We —- you (pl) ku-(stem)-unhnah
Wąąk=chih kŭnaawun. 
I'll see you later.  

I see you (pl).  

We see you or you (pl).  

Ktúnun.  I told you so. 

Negative Me-You Forms

These form as if AI stems ending in –un

VTA Indicative Me-You Negative Forms

Participants Paradigm
Me, I —- you not ustah ku-(stem)-unóow
Me, I —- you (pl) not ustah ku-(stem)-unoowíhmah
We —- you not ustah ku-(stem)-unoowíhnah
We —- you (pl) not ustah ku-(stem)-unoowíhnah
Ustah kŭnaawunóow.  
I see you not.  

Ustah kŭnaawunoowíhmah. 
We see you (pl) not.  

Ustah ktunŭnóowih.   
I did not tell you so. 

VTA Indicative Me-You Special Cases

Structure Form
ku-(stem-aw)-un ku-(stem)-aan
ku-(stem-uw)-un ku-(stem)-oon
ku-(stem-x)-un ku-(stem)-xoon
ku-(stem-h)-un ku-(stem)-hoon


wunuθtawaaw vta believe s.o.
paasuwaaw vta bring s.o. (paashuwaaw)
kwxaaw vta fear s.o.
anihaaw vta treat s.o. so

I believe you. 

I brought you (pl). 

We fear you. 

I treated you so. 


Subordinatives form as if AI stems in –ii and in –un

Nan kŭnaawiin.   
Then you saw me.  

Nan kŭnaawiinaawah.   
Then you (pl) saw me.  

Nan kŭnaawíinaanah.   
Then you saw us.  

Nan ustah kŭnaawíiwun.  
Then you saw me not.  

Nan kunaawŭnun.   
Then I saw you.  

Nan kunaawununaawah.   
Then I saw you (pl).  

Nan kunaawunúnaanah.   
Then we saw you.  

Yahah ustah kunaawunoowun.   
Then I saw you not.  

Stems ending in (aw) contract with (un) to (aan) then (un) is added to form (aanun)

Nan koonθutóonun. 
Then I believed you.  

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