Mahican VAI Changed Conjunct

The Changed Conjunct Mode is used when the action of the secondary clause occurs simultaneously with the action of the main clause.

Preverbs almost always introduce the verbs in this mode.

The changed conjunct mode can be recognized by the use of initial change and the use the conjunct endings without a modal ending.


A preverb that signifies a relatedness of one idea to another. An idea related in terms of time might be translated as ‘while’ or ‘during the time that …’ or when. Other types of relatedness might include the way or manner, the place or location or the reason or purpose of an idea.

Naakmah nhah paaw aanih-kawúyah.  
She came here while I was sleeping.  

Ustah awaan nhah paawih aanih-kawúyakw.   
Noone came here while we were sleeping.  


A preverb meaning ‘when’ or ‘where’, ‘a certain time and place’.

Míitθuw aatanih-kawúyan.  
He eats when you are sleeping.   

Mihtkwihtook aawak aatan-anahkayah.  
They went to the forest where I was working.  

Negative use examples:

Ksiixiichŭwaaw aatanih- ustah -anahkaawah.  
She cleaned while I was not working.  

Ustah miitθíiwih aatan- ustah -kawíiwan.  
He does not eat when you are not sleeping.  

Nuyah ndąąptoonah aanih-ustah -káwiikw.   
I  talked because he was not sleeping.  

Ustah ąąptoonaawih aanih- ustah -apíiwah.  
He is not speaking because I am not there.  

Noonaantam aanih- ustah  nhah -pahtiikw.   
I was glad they didn't come.  


aankwih- pv certain amount, extent + conjunct

Its time for sleeping.  

Its time to sleep.  
(Emphatic or collective plural form)  
Tpuskawihnaaw aahunukwih-anawiimuk.  
It is time to go hunting. (s85) 

anukwihkw pc extent, volume, amount; variant anukwih
Nih anukwih naakmah aanaayuk. This is the way he is. (HA35)

Nih anukwih wchook naakmah aayąąt.
There all the way to the mountain where he went. (Ps5.2)


nahnăpiit vai as one likes, as one wishes

A conjunct only verb

Nahnăpiit=chih aanaayuw.  
He will do what he wants.  

Nahnăpiit kawíiw.   
He may sleep as he wishes.   

Locative clauses using the changed conjunct

Wíikiit ndah.  
I'm going where he lives.  
(wíikuw vai dwell there)  



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