This mode is used when the sub-phrase talks of things that have not yet occurred, but could or might happen. Also used for conditional clauses or ‘if….then’ types of constructs.
The Subjunctive Conjunct Mode is formed by adding (-e) to regular conjunct endings without initial change.
Máhta xaa kŭpáawu wiinamalsíite.
You should not come if s/he is sick
(peew vai he comes) (xaa pc should)
Katá-ch-páate wíikŭyaan-uch ndápi.
If he intends to come I'll stay at home.
(peew vai he comes)
Numateelúndam áalu-áate.
I'll be sad if he can't go
Néeka uch wiinamálsuw mah miitsíikwe.
He will be sick if he does not eat.
Néeka uch wiinamálsuw mah miitsíite.
He will be sick if he does not eat.
(negative conjunct endings are not always used after mah or mahta)
Nii uch mbiilalóhke alumsiiwáne.
I will clean the house if you leave.
Mah uch lpakóowi mah pumaashŭwihloowiiwéekwe.
He will not cry if we do not swim.
pumáashŭwihl vai he swims lpakw vai he cries
Kii ha uch knátpwii lumatapuyáne?
Will you cook if I sit down?
lumátapuw vai-ii sit down
Piish aa maw-alohkéewak akaawihlatoohtíite.
They should be able to go to work if they hurry.
akaawíhlatoow voti hurry ngakaa
píish pc indeed, yes
Ndáalu-uch-káwi lpákŭke.
I won't be able to sleep if he cries.
Mild commands
A verb standing alone in this mode combined with uch (future particle) forms 3rd person imperatives.
Let him eat.