Action that precedes that of the main clause uses the changed subjunctive conjunct mode.
The preverb –aatan- ‘when’ is often used to introduce these types of sub-phrases.
This variety of ‘when’ has the meaning of ‘at the time when’ or ‘back when’ or ‘after that …’
VIIs in the changed subjunctive conjunct mode use initial change and add (-ah) after the conjunct suffix (-k) or the negative suffix (-kw). When using aatan– the initial change affects aatan– not the verb stem.
Aātan-mxahtaakah ąąnay paθihnaaw.
The road cracked after it snowed heavily.
Shąąwah aatan-paθihnąąkah, sookunąąn.
Right away after it was split in two, it rained.
(paθihnaaw be split in two)
(first it was split, then it rained)
Aātan-sookunąąkah ustah wunutóowih.
After it rained, it wasn't pretty.
(wunut be pretty, good, nice)
Aātan-ahtaakah wunut.
When it was there it was nice.
This mode comes in handy for words about the time of day or year.
It is evening.
Last evening
(changed subjunctive conjunct form)
It is night.
Last night. (Sw222-j.-av.-73av)
Ktak paapnaayukah.
Night before last. (Sw222-av.)(Sw167-av116)