Non-simultaneous happenings that occur before happenings of the main clause in Munsee use the ‘changed subjunctive conjunct mode’
The main clause may be implied or may be part of a narrative.
The PV -eenda ‘when’ is most often used to introduce these types of sub-phrases.
This ‘’Changed Subjunctive’‘ conjunct mode uses inital change and also adds the modal ending (-e) after the appropriate conjunct suffix from the an-endings set of suffixes.
Éenda-oxkwéew-kaatáakwe nii ndálu-kwíilamun.
When the woman hid it I began to look for it.
káatoow hide s.t.
Nah weendawáane néeka lóosumun.
When I got it from there he burned it.
(wund + awaan + e) + initial change
(aw may insert in consonant ending VTIs before non 3rd person conjunct endings)
Éenda-ahtawáane láapii ndáalu-móxkamun.
After I put it down I couldn't find it again.
áhtoow put s.t. down
móxkam find s.t.
... éenda-neemáane nii nŭwánsiin.
... after I saw it I forgot it.
wanúsuw forget s.t.
Shaa éenda-moxkánge shaa liitéeha, "mah wiingaatumóowun."
Right away when he found it right away he thought, "I don't like it.''
Changed conjunct’ with eenda- tends to indicate simultaneity
Changed subjunctive conjunct’ with eenda- indicates temporal precedence of the sub-clause
(Reference Ives Goddard Delaware Verbal Morphology)
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