VTI Practicum 13 Pre-Occurring Conjunct

Eenda-oxkweew-kaataakwe nii ndalu-kwiilamun
When the woman hid it I began to look for it.
káatoow hide s.t.

When I hid it, you began to look for it.
When you hid it, we began to look for it

Example phrase uses no preverb and inserts (aw)
Teemshumawáane neeka wulóosumun.
When I cut it he burned it.
tumúshum vti1b cut s.t.
loosum burn s.t. (nu)-loo => loo ;kuloo ; wuloo

When you cut it I burned it
When he cut it you burned it
When we cut it they burned it.
When they cut it we burned it.