VAI Practicum 4 Unstable Stems Ending in (ii)

Objective: Practice conjugating and using VAIs with stems ending in (ii),
unstable and stable stem types.

(1) Conjugate :
piilsuw vai he cleans
(beginning pattern (nu) + (p) => (mb) (ku)+ (p) => (kp) )

1st sg _______________
2nd sg ______________
3rd sg _______________
1st pl _______________
2+1 pl _______________
2nd pl ______________
3rd pl _______________
X __________________

(2) Conjugate using the following nouns and pronouns as subject

nohtáasuw vai he understands
aamwiiw vai-s he gets up from lying down

Nguk my mother
Nóohum my grandmother
Nxánz my older brother
Ngúkush my maternal aunt
Nooxw my father
Nóoxwush my paternal uncle
Numoxóomus my grandfather
Ngwíissak my sons
(ngwiisus kwiisus kwis’sal)

My mother understands.
Your older brother does not understand.
His father got up from lying down.
My aunt and I, we do not understand
We (inclusive) understand
You and your sons, do ye understand?
His uncles got up from lying down.
Is her Mom lying down?

(3) Read and translate:

Word list:

ootéenay town
eenda-nehnátpwiing kitchen
níhlii pc alone
aayáaxkwu pc later, eventually
shaawu pc quickly

Nii ngáta-míitsi ootéeneeng.
Kii ha káta-míitsi?
Néeka káta-míitsuw éenda-nehnátpwiing.
Niilóona ngáta-miitsíhna wíikiit.
Kilóona ha káta-miitsíhna ngwut kulakíike?
Kéexu kulákuw? Kway kiilóowa ha káta-miitsíhmwa ?
Máhta, niilóona ngáta-miitsiiwíhna.
Mah nii ngáta-miitíiiwu níhlii.
Neekáawa míitsuwak. Nii-uch numíitsi aayáaxkwu.
Sháawu nûmíitsi.

(4) Conjugate each sentence into other persons based on the example provided:
akíinzuw he reads

I’ll read tomorrow. Nii uch ndakíinzi waapánge

Níhtaa-akíinzuw. He reads well.

nihtaa pv skillfully
beginning pattern: nu+nih => nih ; ku+nih=> kuni

We (incl)

Kiish- aa- sháhwi-akíinzi?
can you read slowly?
sháhwi- pv slow (nzh; ksh beginning pattern)


Mah kii uch ktakíinziiwi shkooliikáanung.
You will not read at school.
shkóoliikáan ni school


Kii ha ktáalu-akíinzi? Ndáalu-akíinzi.
[aali- or aalu- PV unable to ]
Are you not able to read? I am unable to read.


Kiilóowa aa ktakiinzíhmwa aayáaxkwu.
Ye should read later.
[aa should, would, can, could]
[aayáaxkwu pc later, eventually]

We (excl)