VTI Practicum 12 Conjunct 4

Néeli pv while + conjunct
punam look at s.t.

Mah kweek iiwu neeli-punang
She said nothing while she looked at it
(neeli- )

Translate using I, you, we, ye, they

Nzalaxkihla heesh nah ayumaan
I am surprised everytime I get something
(héesh pc every)
(also written as eesh pc every)
(initial change = included in heesh)
salaxkihleew vai be surprised

Nduleekhamuneen eendxun-mgehkshiixtíikanuna-wuliixtaweengw.
We write it down, everytime we fix our washing machine.
(eendxun PV everytime + conj)
kehkshiixtíikan NI washing machine
Translate to I, you, he, ye, they

Peexûwíhle eelkih-kata-ayumaan
‘It’s getting close to when I will get it.’

ayúm vti1b get s.t.. buy s.t, keep s.t.. have s.t.
peexuwihleew vii get close, approach

Conjugate to all the other persons.

Alumsuw iiyéeskwa kiish-lunumookw.

He left before he finished doing it
Iiyéeskwa pc before + (negative) conjunct
Kiish- pv completed action