VTI Practicum 9 Conjunct 1

[akunóotam vti1a talk about s.t.]
[lundam vti1a think about s.t.]

I talk about it everytime I think about it
You talk about it everytime you think about it
He talks about it everytime he thinks about it
We talk about it everytime we think about it
We talk about it everytime we think about it
Ye talk about it everytime ye think about it
They talk about it everytime they think about it

neeli- pv while + conjunct
[lunum vti1b do s.t.]
[ayum vti1b get s.t.]

kweekw ha ktulûnum neeli-ayumaan numahksúnal?
What were you doing while I was getting my shoes?

What was he doing while you were getting your little shoes?
What were they doing while he was getting the shoes?
What were ye doing while we were getting our shoes?
I was doing something while ye were getting your little shoes.
We were doing something while they getting the shoes

neem vti3
wiingáatam vti1a like s.t.

nii nwiingáatamun eenda-neemaan
I liked it when I saw it

translate the sentence using you, he,we, we, ye, they