Conjugate undefined (absolute) forms of the following, using the noun provided, in the sg.
For the 1st sg of the VTIs, also provide a form with a pl object. Write the English translation for the forms.
For VAIOs, also provide the forms for a 3rd sg and a 3rd sg pl subject with a sg object, and a pl object.
1st sg _______________
2nd sg _______________
3rd sg _______________
1st pl _______________
2+1 pl _______________
2nd pl _______________
3rd pl _______________
kulústam listen to s.t. + wulaamweewáakan ni truth
ayum get, buy, keep, have s.t. + mihtkwiinóotay basket
wuliixtoow fix s.t. + kpáhoon ni door
vaio-s muneew drink s.t.
wchapihk ni medicine
vaio-s lóowiiw pass by
niichaan na child
vaio ndupuw cook some soup
kshiiteew ni soup,
vaio akuw wear s.t.
heembut ni a shirt
vaio wihkwihleew run out of s.t.
ohpun na potato
use plural object only here