1) Conjugate all forms positive and negative :
Wsaamóngwaam sleep late
[aam means sleep/dreams]
[verbs in ‘ongwaam’ pertain to dreams and sleep]
nu + wsaa => noosa beginning pattern
1st sg _______________
2nd sg ______________
3rd sg _______________
1st pl _______________
2+1 pl _______________
2nd pl ______________
3rd pl _______________
X __________________
2) Conjugate : und be a certain way, be so
1st sg _______________
2nd sg ______________
3rd sg _______________
1st pl _______________
2+1 pl _______________
2nd pl ______________
3rd pl _______________
Áhwi-und. He’s hard to get along with.
[ahwi- pv intense, hard, difficult]
I’m not hard to get along with.
Am I very hard to get along with?
Will you be hard to get along with tonite?
He won’t be hard to get along with later.
We (excl) were hard to get along with yesterday.
We (incl) were not hard to get along with last year.
Ye are always hard to get along with. (ngúmee pc always)
Will they always be hard to get along with?
(4) Xwukw he coughs conjugates as follows:
(nu) + (xw) => noox beginning pattern
Change above to negatives.
1st sg _______________
2nd sg ______________
3rd sg _______________
1st pl _______________
2+1 pl _______________
2nd pl ______________
3rd pl _______________
(5) conjugate verb xwúkiil vai he is big
(beginning pattern nu + xw- => numoxw-) (illustrates variability in beginning patterns amongst words that seem similar )
1st sg _______________
2nd sg ______________
3rd sg _______________
1st pl _______________
2+1 pl _______________
2nd pl ______________
3rd pl _______________
(6) Conjugate negatives using the preverb (káta) and the future particle (uch).
I am not going to …
mamúkw die in an accident
ktáakchehl jump out
1st sg _______________
2nd sg ______________
3rd sg _______________
1st pl _______________
2+1 pl _______________
2nd pl ______________
3rd pl _______________
X __________________
1st sg _______________
2nd sg ______________
3rd sg _______________
1st pl _______________
2+1 pl _______________
2nd pl ______________
3rd pl _______________
X __________________
6) Conjugate using preverb (aalu) unable to:
pumáashûwihl swim
1st sg _______________
2nd sg ______________
3rd sg _______________
1st pl _______________
2+1 pl _______________
2nd pl ______________
3rd pl _______________
7) Conjugate these as follows:
wulíixiin lie down in bed
(omit pronouns)
I’m lying down in bed.
Are you lying down in bed.
He’s going to lie down in bed.
We (excl) can’t lie down in bed.
We (incl) lied down in bed.
Ye lied down in bed early.
They intend to lie down in bed early.
aamchéexiin lean back
I don’t want to lean back.
You don’t want to lean back?
He is not leaning back.
We can’t lean back (excl).
We (incl) don’t always lean back.
Ye are not going to lean back.
They will not not leanback.
8) What do these sentences mean?
kwiila- pv lacking
alóot pc anyway
wshiiwasá:nuw be tired
shukw pc but, only
Kii aa kshungíixiin, kii kwíila-kawíim.
Mah néeka wshiiwasaníiwu, Shukw alóot néeka aa shungíixiin.
Niilóona nûmáw-shungiixiinóhna.
Kiilóowa kooliixiinóhmwa.
Neekáawa wuliixíinook. Shukw mah kawíiwak.
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