VAI Practicum 15 Co-Occurring Conjunct I

(1)  Translate using example below :
Néeka péew wéetûmu-kawúyaan.
She came while I was sleeping.
I came while you were sleeping.
I came while he was sleeping.
She came while we were sleeping.
I came while ye were sleeping.
You came while they were sleeping.
He came when I was not sleeping.
I came when you were not sleeping.
You came when he was not sleeping.
Ye came when we were not sleeping.
They came when we were not sleeping (we inclusive).
We came when ye were not sleeping.
We came when they were not sleeping.
(2) Translate
Péesuw eel-akaawihlatáwaan.
He waited because I hurried
(akaawíhlatoow voti2  hurry  ngakaa)
I waited because he hurried.
I waited because ye hurried.
(3) Translate
éendxun- pv everytime + conjunct
Ndaaptóone éendxun-longwáamaan.
I talk whenever I am dreaming.
You talk whenever you are dreaming.
He talk whenever he is dreaming.
We talk whenever we are dreaming.
Ye talk whenever ye are dreaming.
They talk whenever they are dreaming.
(4) Translate:
Néeka peew wéetûmu-shungiixíinaan.
She came while I was lying  down.
Nii mba wéetûmu-shungiixíinan.
Nii mba wéetûmu-shungíixiing.
Kii kpa wéetûmu-shungiixíineengw.
Nii mbaam wéetûmu-shungiixíineekw.
Niilóona mbáhna wéetûmu- shungiixiinóhtiit.
He left while I was dancing
Alúmsuw wéetûmu-kundkáyaan.
I left while you were dancing.
I left while he was dancing.
You left while we were dancing.
I left while ye were dancing.
Ye left while they were dancing.
(6) Translate:
I sleep everytime he is working there.
Nii ngáwi héesh nah alóhkeet.
He sleeps everytime I am working there.
I sleep everytime you are working there.
You sleep everytime we are working there.
I sleep everytime ye are working there.
He sleeps everytime they are working there.
(7) Translate:
I cried because ye were crying.
Nii lúpakw éeli-lpákeekw.
She cried because I was crying.
I cried because you were crying.
You cried because he was crying.
You cried because we were crying.
You cried because they were crying.
(8) Translate:
They waited while I rushed inside.
Peesuwak wéetûmu-piinjiipáhtawaan.
piinjiipáhtoow   he rushes inside
I waited while you rushed inside
He waited while we rushed inside
We waited while they rushed in
(9) Translate:
Niilóona ndáhna éenda-kúndkaang.
We are going to the dance. (where there is dancing)
I’m going to the dance.
Are you going to the restaurant? (where there’s eating)
He wants to go to work.
We won’t talk where there is sleeping.
(10)  Translate:
I cleaned when ye were not in bed.
Nii mbíilsi éenda-mah-wuliixiinóoweeke.
She cleaned when I was not in bed.
I cleaned when you were not in bed.
You cleaned when she was not in bed.
She cleaned when we were not in bed.
You cleaned when they were not in bed.
I got sick while I was going to the lake.
Nûwiinamálsi néeli-mbíisung-ayáan.
She …